Purser Trainer
Specialising in Yacht Purser Training
Welcome to the first online Purser Training programme dedicated to those wishing to further their career within the Super Yacht industry.

Our aim is to bring is to bring a wealth of knowledge to you at your fingertips where-ever you are in the world.
Our mission is to ensure quality of information, keeping up with maritime regulations and providing on-going support and assistance.

Benefit of learning online
We know you are busy and with guest on, charter turn arounds and maintenance periods, so you don’t have the luxury to take valuable time out of your holiday or busy schedule to attend classroom courses; so here we bring it to you. To fit in with your timetable, to pick up where you left off, the one of the kind online Purser course!

Course structure
This online course is split into 6 modules which can be taken individually or as a whole. Designed to be completed as quickly as your work and schedule allow. Assignments are set at the end of each module along with an optional one to one Skype call to confirm knowledge and comprehension before embarking onto the next module.

Learning outcome
Are you a Purser already? Do you fully understand what exactly you are doing and why?
Are you a Chief Stewardess who would like to progress into the Purser position?
Do you work within the luxury hospitality industry and wish to progress to the super yacht sector?

Whether you are a Purser already or would like to be in the future, each module will arm you with tools and understanding of the industry to effectively perform your duties on-board and meet the requirements of this most sort after position.
“Angie gives detailed insight into the tasks expected to be completed by me as a Purser and I have occasionally emailed her to clarify certain situations. I would definitely recommend her course to anyone that would like to become a future Purser.”
Purser on 115m MY
“Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become”
Hal Elrod